We visited cousins near Baltimore last week, which means that we're playing catch-up this week. But Dagfari had a great time with his homeschooled cousins Jorunn and Godfred (we had to put them through the Viking Name Generator too). We visited a wildlife center and hiked in a state park, and then toured the National Aquarium in Baltimore (we're in the Australia exhibit in picture). D had plenty of time to play stuffed animal football and swordfight with G (J is way too mature and civilized for this sort of thing!). J and G's parents were very gracious hosts, especially considering that they had to make a fast trip to Michigan the next weekend.
Having seen what J & G's mom has to go through with Maryland homeschool regulations, I am very appreciative of NC's minimalist oversight. I would be in trouble if I had to keep a portfolio and fake an organized curriculum!
We stopped in Charlottesville on the way home and spent too much time and money in bookstores there. Heartwood Books, one of my favorite used bookstores, is still in business and remarkably unchanged from my days as a grad student at UVA. Dagfari has added UVA to his list of potential colleges (along with WFU, HPU, William and Mary, and UNC-CH).
Back on the home front, D is enjoying is art class at the Sawtooth Center, acting out the plot of Beowulf with Playmobil, and finishing up an essay on The Book of Three. Oh, and agonizing over his choice of Halloween costume, which is still up in the air at this writing! Stay tuned for more information.