Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring 09

I've gotten behind, as usual. Have been spending most of my home screen time helping Dagfari with his new website: . He provides all the content, but I was doing the formatting, etc. at first. But he's catching on very quickly and now does most of the updates all by himself. So I figure we can add Website Design to our list of spring classes.
It's been a very busy and somewhat stressful semester for ProfDad and me, so we've pretty much outsourced all of D's formal classwork this spring. Which has actually worked out great. He's making good progress in Latin, taking two ballet classes per week (had to give up on the violin idea, since there really wasn't time), and learning some basic computer programming in Scratch with a HPU student.
He's also started tutoring sessions in literature. We were lucky to find a master teacher who is now a stay-at-home dad and part-time tutor. He and Dagfari are starting with the KJV old testament. This has been interesting, although the content is kind of questionable. For example, today D is reading Judges, and he asked me what was the point of the story about the Levite and his concubine (Judges 19, if you're interested). The point, as far as I can see, is that life in the Bronze Age really sucked, especially if you were female. I'm hoping Mr. B can offer more in the way of literary/historical context!
In his spare time, D is putting up art exhibits in his bedroom and writing a script for a film he's planning to make with two of his friends this summer.
We made a (long-overdue, in D's opinion) trip to New York last month and spent four days at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Whew. And now he's asking when we can go back...